Turkish Weekend School
Turkish Canadian Society of Edmonton has been running a weekend school at its cultural centre for children ages 4 to 14 since 2015. In March 2020, prior to the pandemic we had more than 50 students attending our school on Saturdays and about 10 students attending on Sundays. Our weekend school has been put on hold due to Covid19 restrictions. Parents are encouraged to sign their children up for YTB’s online Turkish classes.
Turkish as a Second Language for Adults
TCS has been offering Turkish as a Second Language courses since 2016. Like many of our other in-person activities TSL classes have also been put on hold on March 2020 due to Covid19. We are currently investigating opportunities for holding classes online.
Folk Dance Classes for Children
As a part of our Weekend School TCS has also been offering traditional folk dance classes for children on the weekends. Children can sign up for these classes independently or through part of their registration in our Weekend School. Folk Dance classes are currently on hold due to the Covid19 restrictions
Turkish Drama Classes
Starting October 2019 TCS started offering drama classes (in Turkish) on Monday evenings. Classes took place every Monday evening at 8 pm at our community centre and were led by Ms. Ecehan Şarman Çetinkaya, who is an actress at the Turkish National Theater in Bursa. Prior to putting our classes on hold in March 2020 we had approximately 10 students attending regularly and were planning to stage a play for the Turkish Community in Edmonton.
Children’s Sports Classes with Turkish Coaches
In attempt to immerse our children in Turkish language and attract more children to our programs, TCS started offering children/youth basketball and volleyball classes for children with Turkish coaches. These classes were designed to immerse children in Turkish language while they engaged in sports activities. Our sports classes were put on hold due to the pandemic restrictions but are slated to restart again in 2021 when restrictions are lifted.
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